
Hawthorne’s AARP Tax-Aide closed down April 15, 2024 for tax year 2023 completing another successful year.  We are looking forward to next year. We hope we will be able to operate with less restraints and serve more Hawthorne residents and surrounding neighbors.

We thank all the taxpayers who trust us to prepare their federal returns and file them electronically.

In order to continue our free service, we need new volunteers, both tax preparers and facilitators.  If you would like to join this highly motivated volunteer group, please contact our new AARP Hawthorne Tax-Aide Site Coordinator, Peggy Boccuzzi, at  Peggy will give you details on the skills needed for each position.  You can also sign up at the Hawthorne Information Center, just look for AARP Chapter 1775 Volunteer Opportunities. You don’t need experience in tax law or in preparing taxes.  AARP and the IRS will train you for the necessary certification.

Looking forward to serving you in 2025.  Our reservation line will open up in early January and we will formally open our doors to prepare and file your federal taxes in early February.